Monday, 4 April 2011

Pregnant with Twins - the Second Trimester

Every book you read talks about the second trimester being easier..  all the morning sickness disappears and you start to feel movement so you actually physically feel pregnant.. you can feel your babies growing inside of you.

You also get to find out what sex your baby or babies are.  If you want to.  We didn't even have to discuss it as having two, we definitely needed a heads up.

My Mum came along to the Morphology scan, which we were told would take 1.5 hours per baby as it would check every part of their growing bodies to ensure everything was A-OK.  It actually only took about 1.5 hours in total and was pretty special.  There were legs, arms, nose and mouths.. and we found out that Twin A was... a girl!

Now, at the beginning of my pregnancy when we had our first scan, we were told that we were having identical twins as she could see that I had only ovulated once.  Subsequent scans had our health professionals telling us that they were fraternal as they had their own sacs.  More on DCDA twins later, but we were unsure as had had mixed comments.

So, Twin A is a girl and if Twin B is a boy, then they are definitely fraternal.  And Chris and I were both sitting there thinking, "a boy could be nice.. one of each"   But Twin B was a girl too which meant we were still in the running for identical girl twins!  Which we both agreed would be pretty awesome and special.

The second trimester was a long one and whilst I had more energy, could stay up later and do long walks, it was still all pretty tiring, especially towards the end as I got bigger and bigger.


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